Comparing two networks: Network Comparison Test

By Gabriel R. R. in tutorials NetworkComparisonTest bootnet function network psychometrics

October 1, 2021

If you wanna know about how to graph the same network for two different groups, check that here.

BFI dataset

We’ll use the Big-Five Inventory dataset to compare two networks based on gender (Male vs. Female). After computing each network, we’ll check to see if both networks differ.

These will be the topics:

  1. Estimating networks with bootnet
  2. Checking invariant network structure
  3. Checking invariant global strength
  4. Running and reporting NetworkComparisonTest
  5. Checking invariant edge strength
  6. Checking which edges are different
  7. Checking invariance of centrality measures
load_libraries <- function(){
  if (!require("bootnet"))
    install.packages("bootnet"); library(bootnet) # select() and mutate()
  if (!require("dplyr"))
    install.packages("dplyr"); library(dplyr) # select() and mutate()
  if (!require("magrittr"))
    install.packages("magrittr"); library(magrittr) # %<>% operator
  if (!require("NetworkComparisonTest"))
    install.packages("NetworkComparisonTest"); library(NetworkComparisonTest)
  if (!require("psych"))
    install.packages("psych"); library(psych)
  if (!require("qgraph"))
    install.packages("qgraph"); library(qgraph)


# Data:
df <- bfi[,1:26]

df$gender %<>% factor(levels = 1:2,
                      labels = c("Male", "Female"))

Estimating networks with bootnet

First, we’ll estimate both networks using the same procedure and store each network in a bootnet object. Then, we’ll use these objects to compare our networks.

Let’s estimate both networks:

network_male <- estimateNetwork(df %>% 
                                  filter(gender == "Male") %>% 
                                default = "EBICglasso",
                                corMethod = "spearman")

network_female <- estimateNetwork(df %>%
                                    filter(gender == "Female") %>% 
                                  default = "EBICglasso",
                                  corMethod = "spearman")

If you wanna take a look on the two networks, you can check that here.

Note that we used dplyr to filter each network’s own gender and then removed said gender from the Spearman correlation procedure. Now that we have our networks, let’s begin our comparison procedures.

Checking invariant network structure

When doing this, what we basically want is to know if there are great differences between both networks' edges. To know our highest difference value, the M statistic, we just run:

M <-
    abs(c(network_male$graph) - c(network_female$graph))

cat("The biggest edge difference is:", M)
## The biggest edge difference is: 0.09526483

That doesn’t say much to us because this may be a fluke. Say one unique edge presented this difference, but the rest of the network is invariant. To test if this difference is significant, a permutation test is used. The following steps are performed using the package NetworkComparisonTest:

  1. Create a sample based on random selection considering the whole dataset - that is, participants from the first and second networks.
  2. Compute a network with the same estimation procedures.
  3. Compute this unified sample’s network M statistic and store it.
  4. Repeat this n times.

If M is significant, at least one edge difference supposedly exists between the two groups, since this difference didn’t show up when our samples were permutated. In Running NetworkComparisonTest

Checking invariant global strength

Another important aspect is general network strength. Say one network is more activated than the other. We can test that too. This statistic is called S. Let’s check strength difference between one network and the other.

S <-
      abs(c(network_male$graph)) -

cat("Strength difference between the two networks is:", S)
## Strength difference between the two networks is: 1.405415

Note that we divide the difference between the sum of absolute values from the two networks by 2. This is because we’re trying to work with only one part of the matrix - the lower or upper half - since the weights matrix is square and symmetric.

Again, we don’t know if this value of S is significant or not. To test if this difference is significant, a permutation test is used. The following steps are performed using the package NetworkComparisonTest:

  1. Create a sample based on random selection considering the whole dataset - that is, participants from the first and second networks.
  2. Compute a network with the same estimation procedures.
  3. Compute this unified sample’s network S statistic and store it.
  4. Repeat this n times.

If S is significant, the strength difference we noted would have a low probability of happening in a world where there isn’t a strength difference between the two groups.

Running and reporting NetworkComparisonTest

To run these tests, the function is in fact very simple.

set.seed(123) # random permutation seed
nct_results <- NCT(network_male, network_female,
                   it = 1000,
                   progressbar = F)

##  Test statistic M:  0.09526483 
##  p-value 0.596 
##  Global strength per group:  10.82296 12.22838 
##  Test statistic S:  1.405415 
##  p-value 0.34 

Below, how to report NCT analysis plan and results (only NCT, for how to report estimation procedures with bootnet, check this).

Data Analysis

Comparison between the two groups were performed using the NetworkComparisonTest package (NCT; van Borkulo et al., 2017; versão 2.2.1) with a permutation seed value of ‘123’. Based on 1000 permutations, we investigated network invariance (possible edge weight differences) and global strength invariance (possible difference on the absolute sum of network edge weights).


From NCT analyses, we observed that networks seem to be the same for the two groups since M = 0.095, p = .545, and S = 1.405 with p = .364.

Checking invariant edge strength

If our M was significant, we could ask for post hoc analyses. Van Borkulo et al. (2017) recommend checking possible edge differences using Bonferroni-Holm correction. We could directly ask for that, but we’d have to perform another NCT analyses now asking directly for specific edge differences to be tested.

nct_test_edges <- NCT(network_male, network_female, 
                      it = 1000, test.edges = T,
                      p.adjust.methods = "BH",
                      progressbar = F)

Checking which edges are different

When we test specific edge differences, we end up with a long object of all possible tests. I created a function to organize only edge differences with a p equal to or below .05 (this can be changed using the alpha argument:

difference_value <- function(NCT, alpha = 0.05){
  diff_edges <- NCT$einv.pvals %>% dplyr::filter(`p-value` <= alpha)
  for (i in 1:nrow(diff_edges)) {
    var_1 <- as.character(diff_edges[i, 1])
    var_2 <- as.character(diff_edges[i, 2])
    value_net_1 <- NCT$nw1[var_1, var_2]
    value_net_2 <- NCT$nw2[var_1, var_2]
    abs_difference <- abs(value_net_1 - value_net_2)
    p_value <- diff_edges$`p-value`[i]
    cat("Test Edge", i, "\n----\n")
    cat(var_1, "and", var_2)
    cat("\nNetwork 1:", value_net_1,
        "\nNetwork 2:", value_net_2)
    cat("\nAbsolute difference:", abs_difference,
        "with p-value =", p_value, "\n----\n")

## Test Edge 1 
## ----
## C3 and E2
## Network 1: 0 
## Network 2: 0.04227597
## Absolute difference: 0.04227597 with p-value = 0 
## ----
## Test Edge 2 
## ----
## A4 and E5
## Network 1: 0.05689387 
## Network 2: 0
## Absolute difference: 0.05689387 with p-value = 0 
## ----

It seems that even though the networks seem to be invariant, two edges are different. Again, this procedure is somewhat useless if M is not significant. Then again, if M was significant, one could report in the Results section:

Bonferroni-Holm correction was used to access potential diferent edges between the two networks. Edges “C3–E2” (“Do things according to a plan” – “Find it difficult to approach others”) and “A4–E5” (“Love children” – “Take charge”) showed statistically significant differences (p < .001). Male participants didn’t present edges “C3–E2” (with strength 0.042 in the female network) while female participants didn’t manifest edge “A4–E5” (with strength 0.057 in the male network).

Checking invariance of centrality measures

We could also investigate potential centrality differences. To do that, let’s change the argument test.centrality to TRUE.

nct_test_centrality <- NCT(network_male, network_female,
                           it = 1000, test.centrality = T,
                           p.adjust.methods = "BH",
                           centrality = c("closeness",
                           progressbar = F)

Now, if we want to check if some centrality measure is statistically different, we run nct_test_centrality$diffcen.pval to get our adjusted p values:

##    closeness betweenness  strength expectedInfluence
## A1         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## A2         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## A3         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## A4         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## A5         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## C1         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## C2         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## C3         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## C4         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## C5         1         1.0 1.0000000         0.4666667
## E1         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## E2         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## E3         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## E4         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## E5         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## N1         1         0.4 1.0000000         1.0000000
## N2         1         1.0 0.4666667         1.0000000
## N3         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## N4         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## N5         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## O1         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## O2         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## O3         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## O4         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000
## O5         1         1.0 1.0000000         1.0000000


Burger, J., Isvoranu, A. M., Lunansky, G., Haslbeck, J. M. B., Epskamp, S., Hoekstra, R. H. A., Fried, E. I., Borsboom, D., & Blanken, T. F. (in press). Reporting standards for psychological network analyses in cross-sectional data.

Epskamp, S., Cramer, A. O. J, Waldorp, L. J., Schmittmann, V. D., Borsboom, D. (2012). qgraph: Network visualizations of relationships in psychometric data. Journal of Statistical Software, 48(4), 1–18.

Epskamp, S., Borsboom, D., & Fried, E. I. (2017). Estimating psychological networks and their accuracy: A tutorial paper. Behavior Research Methods, 50(1), 195–212.

van Borkulo, C. D., Boschloo, L., Kossakowski, J. J., Tio, P., Schoevers, R. A., Borsboom, D., & Waldorp, L. J. (2017). Comparing network structures on three aspects: A permutation test. Manuscript submitted.

Posted on:
October 1, 2021
8 minute read, 1524 words
tutorials NetworkComparisonTest bootnet function network psychometrics
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